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Lot #172
Constitution of the United States Complete Set of Signers (40) with Founding Fathers George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison

Consummate gathering of all 40 signers of the American Constitution, highlighted by founding fathers George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton

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Consummate gathering of all 40 signers of the American Constitution, highlighted by founding fathers George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton

Complete collection of the signers of the American Constitution, a seminal document in American politics and law that continues to serve as a touchstone for debates and discussions on issues of governance, rights, and the role of bureaucracy in society. The lifeblood of the American government, the Constitution has played a pivotal role in shaping the United States into the nation it is today, outlining the balance of power, forming the basis for all subsequent laws therein, and serving as a model for democratic governance worldwide. This remarkable collection includes manuscript material from all 40 men who penned their names to the historic document, which includes all 39 state delegates and the one witness to the final draft. The formats offered consist of 14 ALSs, one LS, three ADSs, 15 DSs, one clipped signature, three pieces of signed paper currency, one free-franked address leaf from Abraham Baldwin (considered one of the rarest signatures in this set), and a stunning three language ship's passport signed by President George Washington. This set also contains an additional ALS by the Secretary to the Constitutional Convention, William Jackson, who signed the document as a witness to the final edits of the Constitution, culminating in a total of 40 manuscript items in this first-class collection. The items and signers are as follows:

George Washington
Partly-printed DS as president, “Go: Washington,” one page, 13 x 15.75, July 26, 1795. A three-language ship's passport printed in French, English, and Dutch, which authorizes the passage of "Peter Cockran master or commander of the schooner called the Industry of the burthen of Ninety five & 48/95 tons or thereabouts, lying at present in the port of Washington bound for Falmouth and laden with Tar, Pitch, and Beeswax.” Signed at the conclusion by George Washington and countersigned by Edmund Randolph as Secretary of State, Nathan Keais as Collector for the Port of Washington, North Carolina, and John Gray Blount as Notary. The left side retains the original embossed paper seal.

Originally a sea captain by trade, Nathan Keais (1740-1795) was appointed a captain in the Second North Carolina Regiment in the Revolutionary War. Keais and John Gray Blount (1752-1833) were two of the original commissioners who established the town of Washington after they petitioned the state assembly to transfer the seat of county government from Bath to Washington in 1784. President Washington appointed him the Collector of the Port of Washington on March 21, 1791, a post he held until his death in 1795. Blount was a politician, merchant, and landowner from North Carolina who served on the House of Commons, the State Senate, and the Council of State. He was a justice of the peace, as evidenced here, and served as the postmaster at Washington from 1791 to 1815.

Benjamin Franklin – Representative of Philadelphia
Ink signature, “Your Excellency's most obedient & humble sert., B. Franklin,” on an off-white 5 x 3 sheet clipped from a larger document.

Alexander Hamilton – New York
LS as the first Secretary of the Treasury, signed "Alexander Hamilton,” one page, 7.5 x 9, May 2, 1792. Addressed from the Treasury Department, a manuscript letter to the President and Directors of the New York brand of the Bank of the United States, regarding pending payments.

James Madison – Virginia
Partly-printed DS as president, signed “James Madison,” one page, 15.75 x 9.75, November 15, 1813. President Madison appoints William Eaton as a “Collector - under the act, entitled 'An act for the assessment and collection of direct taxes and internal duties'… for the sixteenth – collection district in the state of Massachusetts.” Signed at the conclusion by Madison. The lower left retains the original paper seal.

Abraham Baldwin – Georgia
Free franked address leaf signed “Abr. Baldwin,” one page, 9.25 x 7.75, docketed February 23, 1806. An address leaf hand-addressed by Baldwin to “His Excellency, Governor Milledge, Louisville, Georgia,” franked in the upper right, “Free, Abr. Baldwin.” This leaf was free-franked by Baldwin as a U.S. Senator, a position he held from 1799 to 1807. Baldwin's autograph, in any form, is considered one of the rarest of the signers of the Constitution.

Richard Bassett – Delaware
ADS signed twice as “Richd. Bas.” and “Richard Bassett,” one page, both sides, 8.25 x 13, August 1772. Lengthy handwritten legal document concerning a defendant involved in a civil non-payment case, signed in the text and at the end of the document, with an additional autographed note initialed "RB" on the lower half of the second page.

Gunning Bedford, Jr. – Delaware
ADS signed twice as “Gunning Bedford” and “G. Bedford jun.,” one page, 5.5 x 2.25, no date. Short handwritten endorsement, clipped from a longer document, concerning fees for settling the estate of Patrick Lyons, signed "Gunning Bedford" at the beginning and "G. Bedford jun." at the end.

John Blair – Virginia
ALS signed “John Blair,” one page, 7 x 11.25, July 5, 1791. Addressed from Williamsburg, Virginia, a handwritten letter concerning the remittance of a portion of Blair's government salary to Rev. John Bracken. The address panel on integral leaf is addressed to “Samuel Meredith Esq., Treasurer of the United States of America, Philadelphia.”

William Blount – North Carolina
Manuscript document signed as “Wm. Blount,” one page, 8 x 12.75, July 9, 1795. Issued from Knoxville, Tennessee, a secretarial document concerning payment of troops for the defense of frontier territory, signed at the conclusion by Blount. The upper left corner retains the original paper seal. This document was signed by Blount as Governor of the Southwest Territory [later Tennessee], a position he held from mid-1791 to 1796.

David Brearley – New Jersey
New Jersey engraved bank note for "One Dollar," 3.75 x 3, issued as No. 1629, and reading, in part: "The possessor of this bill shall be paid one Spanish milled dollar by the thirty-first day of December, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six" Signed at the conclusion by David Brearley and countersigned by Philemon Dickinson (New Jersey, Continental Congress); the reverse signed by Joseph Borden (New Jersey, Stamp Act Congress, Judge). Printed by Hall and Sellers, 1786.

Jacob Broom – Delaware
ALS signed “Jacob Broom,” one page both sides, 7.5 x 12.25, [Delaware], no date, [circa Spring 1802]. Handwritten letter to Dr. Latimer, concerning corrections to a previous financial statement and a request for certified power of attorney.

Pierce Butler – South Carolina
ALS signed “P. Butler,” one page, 7.5 x 4, October 6, 1814. Handwritten letter of introduction for "Mr. Davis.” Butler was later elected as the first senator from South Carolina. With accompanying engraved print of Butler. Professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet.

Daniel Carroll – Maryland
Revolutionary War–dated 'Continental Currency' note for "Thirty Dollars," signed "D. Carroll," 3.75 x 3, issued as No. 60362, reading: “This Bill entitles the Bearer to receive Thirty Spanish Milled Dollars, or the Value thereof in Gold or Silver, according to a Resolution of Congress, passed at Philadelphia, November 2, 1776." Signed at the conclusion by Carroll and Z. Mackubin. Printed by Hall and Sellers.

George Clymer – Philadelphia
Manuscript document signed “Geo Clymer,” one page, 7.5 x 3.5, February 8, 1805. Brief contractual document in which Henry R. Clymer agrees to pay the sum of $1635 to George Clymer, signed at the conclusion by both men. Professionally inlaid into a slightly larger sheet. Prior to his participation in the Constitutional Convention, George Clymer chaired the ‘Philadelphia Tea Party,’ forcing the resignation of British-appointed tea consignees in the city, and went on to serve as one of the first two Continental treasurers.

Jonathan Dayton – New Jersey
ALS signed “Jona: Dayton,” one page, 8 x 9.5, October 6, 1803. Addressed from Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, a handwritten letter requesting the assistance of Hector Scott in the sale of real estate holdings, on the advice of "my friend the Vice President [Aaron Burr].” Dayton was notably the youngest signer of the Constitution, just 26 years old at the time; he was later implicated in Aaron Burr's conspiracy to conquer lands in the Southwest but was never prosecuted.

John Dickinson – Delaware
Partly-printed DS signed “John Dickinson P.,” one page, 8.25 x 6, April 14, 1784. Issued from Philadelphia, an interest certificate signed by Dickinson during his time as President of Pennsylvania, paid to the order of "Robert Patton Captain of the 11th Regiment." Countersigned by John Nicholson, as Comptroller of Pennsylvania. In addition to serving as the President of both Pennsylvania and Delaware (for a short while, simultaneously), Dickinson is known as the ‘Penman of the Revolution,’ responsible for the first draft of the Articles of Confederation among a number of other significant Revolutionary documents.

William Few – Georgia
Manuscript DS signed “W Few,” one page, 9.75 x 16.5, docketed October 9, 1806. Petition to David Geltson, Collector of the Port of New York, from William E. Nexsen, seeking employment as a Public Gauger; the document has been signed by twenty-seven "subscribers,” which includes William Few, who signs in the lower left corner, attesting to Nexsen as "a man whose integrity and uprightness well qualifies him for the discharge of such an Official Trust."

Thomas Fitzsimons – Pennsylvania
ALS signed “Thos. FitzSimons, Presidt. C. C. P.,” three pages, 7.75 x 12.75, January 19, 1802. Addressed from Philadelphia, a handwritten letter to "William Jones Esq.,” presumably of the merchants Jones & Clark (Philadelphia and Charleston), concerning financial affairs during his time as President of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.

Nicholas Gilman – New Hampshire
Revolutionary War-dated “Colony of New Hampshire” note for “Two Shillings and six Pence,” 5.5 x 2.25, dated July 25, 1775, numbered 3348, signed "Nich. Gilman.” The note reads: “The Possessor of this Note shall be entitled to receive out of the Treasury of this Colony, the Sum of two shillings and six pence Lawful Money on the 20th of December 1779.” Signed at the conclusion by Gilman as Receiver General, and countersigned by Ebenezer Thompson. Signed by Gilman during his commission with the New Hampshire branch of the Continental Army, which he served throughout the duration of the Revolutionary War.

Nathaniel Gorham – Massachusetts
ADS signed “Nath Gorham,” one page, 8 x 11.5, Westfield [Massachusetts], April 25, 1795. A manuscript document outlining legal details of real estate holdings between Nathanial Gorham, Oliver Phelps, Noah Goodman, and Nathaniel Gorham, Jr. This document is related to a larger real estate plan between Phelps and Gorham, Sr. to contract unimproved land in Western New York at a devalued price; the venture ultimately failed due to the subsequent rocketing value of Massachusetts scrip, leaving Gorham, Sr. insolvent and in poor reputation.

Jared Ingersoll – Pennsylvania
ALS signed “J. Ingersoll,” one page, 7.75 x 6.25, July 20, [1802]. Handwritten cover letter, noting Ingersoll's legal opinion on a business matter included in a secondary letter [not present].

William Jackson – Witness
ALS signed “W. Jackson,” one page, 7.5 x 9.75, Philadelphia, May 15, 1812. Handwritten letter to "Paul Beck Junr. Esquire,” seemingly in an attempt to mend their friendship. Annotated and later signed by his son, Henry Paul Beck. Jackson served as secretary to the Constitutional Convention, and later, personal secretary to George Washington in the first two years of his presidency.

Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer – Maryland
Manuscript DS signed “Dan of St. Thos. Jenifer,” one page, 7.25 x 6, January 26, 1785. Autograph contract of payment by Thomas Stone [Declaration of Independence Signer], who signs within the text, "Thos. Stone,” witnessed and signed at the conclusion by Jenifer, and countersigned by Patt. Maguire.

William Samuel Johnson – Connecticut
Partly-printed DS signed “W. Sam:l Johnson,” one page, 6.25 x 4.25, Connecticut, June 17, 1786. Document of payment (No. 384) to William Samuel Johnson, who adds his endorsement signature on the reverse.

Rufus King – Massachusetts
ALS as Minister to Great Britain, signed “Rufus King,” three pages, 8 x 9.75, June 4, 1799. Addressed from London, a handwritten letter to Matthew Clarkson, concerning an order of 2500 muskets from Hamburg for the State of New York and potential future purchases. The integral address leaf addressed "M. Clarkson Esq, New York,” and later docketed, purportedly in the hand of John Jay.

John Langdon – New Hampshire
ALS signed “John Langdon,” one page, 7.25 x 9, April 16, 1790. Addressed from New York, a handwritten letter as the first senator of New Hampshire, sent to John Jay, then Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, concerning Jay's pending visit to Portsmouth. Docketed on the reverse, purportedly in Jay's hand.

William Livingston – New Jersey
Partly-printed DS as Governor of New Jersey, signed “Wil: Livingston,” one page, 12 x 7.25, Burlington [New Jersey], November 10, 1783. Legal document appointing Samuel Sherry and William Murphy executors of a will. The embossed paper seal remains intact, and the document affixed to one leaf (two pages) of the will in question, in manuscript, with three wax seals.

James McHenry – Maryland
Manuscript DS signed “James McHenry, Secry of War,” one page, 8.5 x 6.5, August 1, 1797. Issued from the War Office in Philadelphia, a document authorizing payment to the "Invalid Pensioners of the United States, or their legal Representatives."

Thomas Mifflin – Pennsylvania
ALS as President of Pennsylvania, signed “T. Mifflin,” one page, 7.75 x 6.5, August 19, 1790. Handwritten letter to Mifflin's colleague in the American Philosophical Society, "Edward Burd Esq.,” regarding a missed social visit due to ill health.

Gouverneur Morris – Pennsylvania
ALS signed “Gouv Morris,” one page, 6.25 x 7.5, October 3, 1774. Handwritten letter to Joshua Purdy concerning sealing a subpoena on one Jonathan Brown.

Robert Morris – Pennsylvania
ALS signed “Robt. Morris,” one page, 4.75 x 7.5, December 18, 1797. Addressed from The Hills [Philadelphia], a handwritten letter to John Nicholson, former Comptroller General of Pennsylvania, concerning their real estate business dealings and specifically mentioning "Chestnut Street,” an unfinished (and ultimately never finished) mansion later known as "Morris' Folly."

William Paterson – New Jersey
ALS signed twice as “Wm. Paterson,” three pages, 6.25 x 7.75, New Brunswick [New Jersey], March 20, 1805. Handwritten letter signed twice – in the body of the text and again at the end – addressed to one Mr. Hunt, concerning the purchase and sale of horses and including an autograph transcript of a letter to S. Van Rensselaer of the same date.

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney – South Carolina
ADS signed “Charles Cotesworth Pinckney,” two pages, 8.25 x 12.75, docketed September 13, 1786. Handwritten legal document concerning a list of four "Interrogatories to be administered to a witness to be produced, sworn, and examined &c. hereafter on the part of the Defendant."

Charles Pinckney – South Carolina
ALS signed “Charles Pinckney,” one page, 7.75 x 9.25, Charleston [South Carolina], July 12, 1820. Handwritten letter of introduction recommending Mr. Edwin Dorrill to Smith Thompson for a midshipman's warrant.

George Read – Delaware
Manuscript DS signed “Geo: Read,” one page both sides, 7.75 x 2.5, June 23, 1761. Legal leger document numbered 139, reading, in part: "The defendant by George Reed his Attorney spially [specifically] constituted confesses judgm[en]t to the Deft.” Read also signed the Declaration of Independence, the only signer to do so even after voting against the initiative. The verso contains a similar ledger entry, numbered 144 and dated July 15, 1761, and is signed by Thomas McKean, who also signed the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.

John Rutledge – South Carolina
Manuscript DS signed “J. Rutledge,” one page, 12.25 x 7.75, [Charleston, South Carolina], May 30, 1763. Plea of Confession in Austin et al vs Graban, signed by Rutledge as defense attorney on behalf of John Graban. Countersigned by Charles Shinner as Chief Justice, and Dougal Campbell as Charleston Court Clerk.

Roger Sherman – Connecticut
ALS signed “Roger Sherman,” one page, 6 x 7.25, New Haven [Connecticut], October 10, 1788. Handwritten letter to Oliver Wolcott Jr., Comptroller of Accounts, concerning the dispensing of payment to Robert Sherman Jr.

Richard D. Spaight – North Carolina
Partly-printed DS as Governor of North Carolina, signed "Richd: Dobbs Spaight,” one page, 15.5 x 10.75, New Bern [North Carolina], December 17, 1794. Land grant document for Jacob Bracewell for property in Johnston County, witnessed and signed by Spaight as Governor of North Carolina. Together with manuscript land surveyor's notes, including a rough drawn map of the property, with the ribbon seal intact.

Hugh Williamson – North Carolina
Partial ALS signed "Hu Williamson,” one page, 8 x 3, no date. Partial handwritten letter threatening suit against "Gilman or Holden & Hacket…" and "Langdon,” possibly referring in part to Williamson's fellow Constitutional signers, Nicholas Gilman and John Langdon, of New Hampshire.

James Wilson – Pennsylvania
Manuscript DS signed “James Wilson,” two pages, 7.5 x 12.5, Savannah, Georgia, August 11, 1790. Articles of agreement concerning the sale of 50,000 acres in Georgia along Buffalo Creek by John Currie of Savannah to James Wilson of Philadelphia, PA. Signed at the conclusion by Wilson and countersigned by John Currie.

In overall very good to fine condition; more detailed condition reports are available upon request. Interested parties are encouraged to view the collection in person at our offices or to call us with specific inquiries.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Fine Autograph and Artifacts Featuring Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, and Civil War
  • Dates: #695 - Ended July 10, 2024