Partly-printed third-person document filled out by John Hancock, signed within the text on behalf of his uncle, "Thomas Hancock," one page, 9 x 4.5, January 28, 1762. A bill of lading, mostly filled out by Hancock, in part: "Shipped by the Grace of God, in good Order and well Condition'd, by Thomas Hancock, By Order of His Excellency Sir Jeffrey Amherst….upon the good Sloop called the Phenix…now riding at Anchor in the Harbour of Boston and by God's Grace bound for Halifax in Nova Scotia, to say, Four Thousand Three hundred Feet of Two Inch plank, & Thirteen hundred & Eighty four feet of Three Inch plank & One small Box directed to General Bastide." In fine condition, with a slightly rough top edge affecting the "Hancock" last name. Encapsulated and graded by PSA/DNA as "EX 5."