Civil War-dated DS, signed “Virgil M. Healy,” three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75, August 8, 1864. Battle report issued to W. J. Rusling, written from "Head Quarters 8th N. J. Vols., Camp near Petersburg, Va.," in full: "In compliance with Special order 209, Hd. Qrs. Army of the Potomac, dated August 5th 1864, I have the honor to report the following as the part taken by this regiment during the second Epoch of the campaign, 'including the march to Spotsylvania and the operations in front of that place.' May 8th Left bivouac at Chancellorsville and escorted the Train to Falls Church and bivouacked. May 9th Joined the brigade at Todds Tavern, and march to the left about 2 miles and threw up breastworks. In the afternoon the regiment left the breastworks and marched to the right about 3 miles and threw up breastworks across the Kitoklow Road and remained until 4 A.M. May 10th At 4 A.M. left the breastworks and marched to rejoin the Corps, and took up a position on the night of the Brown House, near Spottsylvania Court House and made a connection with the left of the 6th Corps about 9 AM. May 11th The regiment went on Picket along the Ny. River and connected with the right of the 9th Corps. May 12th About 5 A.M. and soon after the storming of the Rebel works, the regiment advanced across the Ny, and captured 2 officers and 40 men (Rebels) straggling through the woods and send them to the Provost Marshall, carried some 30 wounded men to the rear and had them taken to the hospital one man wounded on picket. May 13th & 14th On Picket. May 15th Relieved from Picket and rejoined the Brigade and connected with the right of the 9th Corps in the breastworks and was shelled by the enemy during the day. May 16th Lay in the breastworks all day and strengthened them during the night, and built traverses. May 17th Moved to the rear about 12 mile and had an inspection of the regiment. May 18th Returned to the breastworks. May 19th About 1 oclock A.M. marched to the left about 4 miles and bivouacked. During the evening got under arms and marched (double quick) to repel an attack of the enemy on our train on the Fredericksburg turnpike and remained in line all night. May 20th Returned to our bivouac of the day previous." In fine condition.