Well-made Confederate foot officer's sword by Boyle & Gamble patterned, more or less, after the US Model 1850 Foot Officer Sword, measuring 35 1/2? overall with a 30? slightly curved, single-edged blade having wide single fullers. The steel has an overall mottled gray patina with faint, but still visible, etched panels along the forte with swirling floral scrollwork vignettes. Mild freckling is present throughout, but heaviest at the ricasso, as well as within the fullers. The hilt has a pierced rose motif counterguard, single forward-swept quillon, and Phrygian helmet pommel with an overall yellow-ochre patina throughout. The leather grip is worn through in several spots with the underlying wood visible where the leather has flaked away. The brass and leather scabbard is in good condition with a ruddy-ochre tarnish on the brass furniture. The leather is in very good condition with only a few minor dents along the body and general surface crazing throughout.